What it Takes to Be an Authentic Leader. Leading by example is an easy thing to say but hard to do in everyday leadership. Delighted to see you. Helps keep those leaders off those lofty pedestals too! If you enjoyed this post, you may enjoy: Why do people follow? Supervision through Aphorism by Peter Smergut. People seldom “follow down”, they don’t follow people that they would not want to be like or people that they cannot trust or respect. See, if you want me to follow your company on Facebook or Twitter, you’re asking me to take an action (by the way, including a call to action rather than just posting a graphic of the Facebook and Twitter icons would be helpful too). And as human beings, scientists can be all too guilty of these errors. Required Reading. Employees will choose to follow only a real, live, genuine human being who reveals some of their … Here’s the big question, why are people following you? They work harder on appearance than substance. This goes on until one of them capitulates and flies off. For “why do people follow you?” that’s an interesting question and it’ll be interesting to see how people respond. The highlighted things quoting Julia Erickson are nothing but value which inspire them to support you based on your qualities and the spark that see in you. They follow me because they can relate to me. We live in a “society of laws” where the laws only apply to some people some of the time. Read his bio at https://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com/ajay-gupta. So the perspective you give people will result in people following you (or not)! ( Log Out / Interestingly enough, leading and working with people that believe in what you are doing is what inspired my post http://fit4thabo.blogspot.com/2011/01/are-you-selling-to-your-people.html. Endurance as a follower succeeds only when the leader can watch from behind, learn something in the process, and with humility recognize and accept the fulfillment of his student. There are Twitter “followers” who want to help me make a million bucks NOW or be their partner in curing a disease (the million bucks isn’t likely to happen but I love to support causes such as curing cancer). Another advantage to exposing a weakness is that it offers a leader valuable protection. Perhaps our weaknesses reveal our humanity and that can be attractive also. And this make follower to follow leaders. I agree Dan. Thank you for this thought provoking post. I believe we need to define what is a follower before we tackle the question as to why people follow you or not and why people in general will follow others. It’s just far easier to speak your principles than it is to live them. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Be intolerant of others’ self-destruction Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Always glad when you leave a link to your work that adds value to the conversation. This is akin to understanding your strengths and how to leverage them based on what individuals, teams, and organizations need. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Actually follower do not follow leaders, they follow their dreams and desire through their determination, dedication and devotion that is given by leaders. People don’t follow leaders because they are their boss, they follow because they believe in the leader’s passion and values. I discovered your blog and find this one in particular resonated with me. Successful leaders This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Because I don’t pretend to be what I’m not and I share my life and daily struggles with them while also encouraging. I have seen managers behave that way sometimes although fortunately not often. After all, if no one is following you, you’re not leading—you’re just taking a walk! Ajay’s point about it is a choice to follow rings true throughout the posts today…so maybe its more about the followers than the leaders! Authentic Leaders know that people tend to “follow up”, that is they follow people they respect and trust or they follow someone they believe sets an example of the type of person they would like to become. Peace, Al. Just sayin’. I just had this conversation with some of my people yesterday. In other cases, they don’t know. Whether it is termed weakness or opportunities yet to learn or vulnerability, it engenders in most people an urge (or emotion) that wants to reach out, connect and help. People seldom “follow down”, they don’t follow people that they would not want to be like or people that they cannot trust or respect. Walk your talk I follow your Blog as I like the perspective you come with and have agreed on most of your points of view and disagreed on some (literally a few as I can’t think of them). Just noticed how you say “my people.” I’d say humility goes a long way. ( Log Out / It’s an essential quality to earn good respect from the group of people who will support and help execute the plan of action. The key to getting more people to follow you is give them a reason to. The scientific method is a way to prevent these mistakes. Love – we rise to leadership when others choose to follow us. Say “thank you” Dave, thanks for leaving your first comment. Those are times of light. So now, why would anyone follow you? http://geoffreywebb.wordpress.com/2010/08/31/7-reasons-why-no-one-is-following-you/, https://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com/ajay-gupta, http://myrightfitjob.com/2011/01/27/great-leaders-use-active-listening/, http://southfloridafilmmaker.com/the-klout-myth-and-living-above-the-influence, http://fit4thabo.blogspot.com/2011/01/are-you-selling-to-your-people.html, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. If you want people to start following you, and ultimately spend money with you and spread your brand's message to their peers, you simply have to give them something in return. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He said, “The more people know about you, the more they will use against you.” He said it came from an important book he read while in … Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Others first and leader second. ing your followers that you are genuine and approachable—human and humane. You will find yourself sitting in a room with the hiring manager, having to answer tough questions about your experience and qualifications for the position you are seeking with the company. Leaders have a definite vision and the clear -direction to achieve. Walking in will hinge on trust, credibility, and very importantly attitude. People are pretty interesting to study. The moment you will get the feeling, you are the most happiest person and there is no sadness near by you. The team needs to understand who you are and where you want to take them. Always a pleasure to read your stuff. You make a good point though that it is necessary to understand your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Credibility: Why Should Anyone Follow You? Another great job. Go to the main page of Leadership Freak by clicking the banner at the top of this page, look in the right-hand navigation bar, enter your email and click subscribe. I do not agree to your point about leaders creating value to the followers,I am team member in a small team in my organization ,but more people connect to me then any other position based leaders in my organization and offcourse I do not bring any tangible value to them or niether I am in a position to bring any value for them. Knowing what they are very good at and where they have short comings. Second, you are right, some of our strengths are why people follow us. Very rich comments! Keep inspiring us and challenging us to become greater on every level. BTW Dan, not that you need another book to read, but a great book on followership was written by Robert E. Kelley in 1992 entitled “The Power of Followership – How to Create Leaders People Want to Follow and Followers Who Lead Themselves.” Terrific read. Why should anyone be led by you 1. Supervision through Aphorism by Peter Smergut. You may find yourself in a top position without these qualities, but few people will want to be led by you. I rather believe in statement by Julia Erickson… Those are dark times. I can confirm for you that I get a lot out of your comments when you post here and elsewhere. Now that you have reviewed the key concepts in both SBL and TLC, please discuss what you believe are the key strengths that you would like to develop and why someone would follow you. But, if your interest is first than follower, then they will not follow you. According to the authors, people want to be led not by a person with a fancy job title or a manager who has amassed a vast chunk of organisational power or territory. Encourage This is my recipe for seeking engagement with a leader and one which I personally review and revise almost daily in the hope of keeping my message fresh, and inviting and attractive to my followers. A tool I used to great effect is active listening – emphasis on listening. Take you as an example. If you’ve starting skipping the basics then you’ve basically skipped ensuring your continued success. yeah, i just don’t really think it’s positive to follow anybody? At our upcoming BW Leadership Academy, the key question we will help each person answer is: Why should anyone follow you? It’s just far easier to speak your principles than it is to live them. : What It Takes To Be An Authentic Leader 1 by Goffee, Robert, Jones, Gareth (ISBN: 9781578519712) from Amazon's Book Store. If they don’t like the answers, they take immediate steps to change them. Do I really have what it takes to be a good leader? It’s private. Thanks for this great reminder of why leadership is so much fun, and for your pithy, on-target post. I wonder what role weaknesses plays in the leader/follower dynamic. Your comment smacks of reality and value. Several weeks after Russ’ comment, during my annual review, my boss and I discussed his new initiative and he concluded that their are those inside the box, those outside the box and then their is you – a person who has never allowed a box to confine his thinking. They will also ask their mentors and accountability partners. Anyway I really admire your capability of writing inspiring thoughts about leadership in less than 300 words. Others first and leader second. 12 Free Social Media and Brand Monitoring Tools We Love (and Why) Reputation is everything. At the time, my boss was promoting a theme of “thinking outside the box” in order to stimulate innovation. I’ve asked leaders to describe why others follow them. The leader needs to be prepared and that preparation starts with knowing themselves. You’re not really good at something if you have to keep telling everyone you’re good at it. Authentic Leaders are led by their core values and one of those core values is almost always to make certain that their actions match their words.
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