Scientific Name: Viburnum L. (Adoxaceae) lentago L. Related Plants 'Deep Green' 'Variegatum' Clusters of deep carmine-pink flowers cover the plant in mid-summer through the fall. Plant database entry for Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago 'Deep Green') with 26 data details. native to eastern North America; ... fruit color changes from green to yellow, pink, rose and finally to blue-black ... 'Deep Green' - This is a handsome large growing selection that reaches 20' tall and features lustrous leaves. Reddish fall foliage color is showy. Habitat. The plant is not self-fertile. Viburnum lentago - Fall Interest. Adoxaceae. Viburnum nudum, commonly called smooth witherod, is a rounded, multi-stemmed, upright-spreading, deciduous shrub that typically grows in the wild to 5-12’ tall and as wide. vi-BER-num len-tah-go Family. Many thanks, Virginia, for the detail you included two years ago in your description of the Nannyberry (viburnum lentago). Zone: 2 to 8. First white, then bright pink, then blueish-black with bloom. Expand. In the early spring, the flowers are huge clusters of bright white blossoms, and they’re a favorite of the bees. ... 'Deep Green' - Thick glossy leaves, white flowers, and pink-rose to black fruits grows to 20 feet high. Rounded form 6 to 8 feet tall and wide. The Northern Forest Atlas produces graphic tools for naturalists. Clusters of blue-black fruit and a deep purple-red fall foliage color extend the interest. Leaves look much like those of Viburnum opulus; they emerge reddish tinged, mature to dark green, turn yellow to red-purple in fall. In warmer areas, it will bloom during the winter. Less susceptible to aphid damage than Viburnum opulus. Viburnum casinoides, Withe-rod, Nannyberry, Moosewood, the pulp is sweet, well-flavored, hanging on the tree deep into winter.An amber tea can be made from the dried leaves. V. lentago leaves can be damaged or skeletonized by the adults and larvae, although V. opulus is … This site contains libraries of images, videos, diagrams, and illustrated articles. Hedge or screen use. The scientific name of Nannyberry is Viburnum Lentago. Tree Bee is a tree identification tool used to engage classrooms, families and communities in learning more about the trees and forests in their own backyards. Beautiful red fruit in fall. Viburnum lentago (nannyberry, sheepberry, or sweet viburnum) is a species of Viburnum native to the northeastern and midwestern United States, and in southern Canada from New Brunswick west to southeastern Saskatchewan.Isolated populations are found in the Dakotas, Wyoming, Colorado, and the Appalachian Mountains as far south as Kentucky and Virginia. Viburnum lentago Nannyberry Viburnum. Fruit is glossy when white coating wears off. Sweet blue-black autumn berries are tasty fresh. The buds are deep carmine pink and open to clusters of blush white flowers. The original plant of this very attractive viburnum grows at Kew, where it was selected and named by the late Sydney Pearce. Thank you for a great Season! The upper surface is a lustrous deep Cultivars for Viburnum lentago Showing 1-2 of 2 items. It is native to low woods, swamps and bogs in the eastern and southeastern U.S. from Connecticut south to Florida and Louisiana. Cutting grown. Fruits freely borne. light green foliage trembles in breeze, yellow fall color; Zones 1-6(7) Viburnum lentago (Nannyberry Viburnum) 20', upright vase shaped, shiny green foliage, white flowers, blue-black fruit, purple-red fall Noteworthy Characteristics. Closed for the 2020 Season. Big, flattened heads of small white flowers cover the plant in late May followed by a show of blue to black berries in late summer and fall. Viburnum tinus Eve Price Nice compact evergreen shrub which flowers from winter through to spring. Viburnum lentago - Leaves. Native to North America. More specific uses: Viburnum alnifolium, Hobblebush, Mooseweed, ripe fruit sweet and palatable tasting like raisins or dates.The stone, however, is large and the pulp thin. In late spring, showy flat-topped clustering white flowers attract pollinators. Berries mature to black with time. Viburnum lentago (Nannyberry, Sheepberry, or Sweet Viburnum) is a species of Viburnum native to the northeastern and midwestern United States, and in southern Canada from New Brunswick west to southeastern Saskatchewan. Compact growth habit and textured, dark green foliage that is resistant to bacterial leaf spot make this a winner. Native Area: Mediterranean, northern Africa; USDA Growing Zones: 8–10 Cultivar Name Notes Deep Green 'Deep Green' - large to 20 feet; lustrous dark green leaves Pink Beauty 'Pink Beauty' - pink fruits that turn purple with age Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago 'Deep Green') in the Viburnums Database - New and Unread Tree-Mails A native large shrub to small tree with corymbs of pure white flowers in late May, the deep green, glossy foliage of this variety provides a beautiful backdrop.
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