sedum sexangulare elatum

UGS : 1002 Catégorie : Des plantes Étiquettes : sedum, Pérenne, robuste. With hundreds of plants, we couldn't make them all available to order online! For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme. On rock walls. Sedum sexangulare f. elatum Priszter (1960) Family: CRASSULACEAE. View basket for details. It has escaped gardens and naturalized in parts of the upper midwest (Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio), New England and Ontario. Cylindrical, succulent, bright green leaves (1/4" long) appear in six spiral rows (sexangulare from Latin means six-angled). Sedum Golddigger sexangulare Sedum Golden Carpet acre Sedum Green stoloniferum Sedum Himalayan Skies dasyphyllum Sedum kamtschaticum Variegatum Sedum Lemon Ball mexicanum ... Delphinium elatum Delphina Rose White Bee Gaillardia grandiflora Dazzler Rudbeckia hirta Sonora Salvia nemorosa Bumble Bumblesky It typically grows to 3-4" tall (in bloom) with a spread to 12-24" wide. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Great item, exactly as described and good communication. KEY TO SYMBOLS: C=Cut Flower, DR=Deer Resistant, F=Fragrant, G=Ground Cover, H= Heirloom, N=Native to US, P=Pollinator Supportive, RR=Rabbit Resistant… International postage paid to Pitney Bowes Inc. International postage and import charges paid to Pitney Bowes Inc. Any international postage and import charges are paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Any international postage is paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. 30 days refund, buyer pays return postage, Most purchases from business sellers are protected by the Consumer Contract Regulations 2013 which give you the right to cancel the purchase within 14 days after the day you receive the item. Border fronts or rock gardens. Please enter a number less than or equal to 0. Sedum sexangulare. Get the item you ordered or your money back. tasteless stonecrop, love-entangled, six-angled stonecrop, six-rowed stonecrop. Sedum sexangulare; Sedum sieboldii; Sedum spectabile; Sedum spurium; Sedum tatarinowii; Sedum telephium; Sedum tetracinum; Sedum tetractinum; Sempervivum hybridum; Senecio bicolor; ... Delphinium elatum Aurora Deep Purple. This species forms a low carpet of tiny spiraling green leaves, spreading to form a thick patch. ... Sedum Autumn Joy Stonecrop Sedum Orange Stonecrop Sedum reflexum – Stone Orpine Sedum sexangulare – Tasteless Stonecrop Sedum sieboldii – October Daphne Sedum spectabile – Showy Stonecrop. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Effective in containers. Augstais gaiļpiesis (233810540) Jaunstādi. Green roof gardens. Sedum Sieboldii Stonecrop. Why are there no more details? Your Actions; Back to Sedum index: Back to Crassulaceae index: Back to Succulents Encyclopedia index: Cite this page: "Sedum acre" Text available under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License. Delphinium elatum – Also called Larkspur. Sedum sexangulare, commonly called tasteless stonecrop, is a vigorous, dense, glabrous, mat-forming, evergreen stonecrop that it native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The creeping selections of Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry sites with poor soil. Tiny yellow star flowers appear in early summer. sopianae Priszter (1963) Sedum acre fa ramosum Priszter (1963) Sedum acre var. excellent seller usual healthy plants in perfect condition. Puķu sēklas, jaunstādi un sīpolpuķes profesionāļiem! Sedum Sexangulare 'Elatum' Sedum Sexangulare is an unusual and low maintenance creeping stonecrop forming a low carpet of compact, needle-like leaves displayed all year round as an evergreen. Modify or narrow your search by choosing additional drop-down menus after each result is displayed. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Sedum sexangulare fa elatum Priszter (1960) Sedum neglectum ssp. Izmantojot lapu, Jūs piekrītat sīkdatņu izmantošanai. Also tolerates moist (not wet) soils with good drainage. Terms and conditions apply. - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in new window or tab, Sedum Sexangulare -Easy Drought Tolerant Evergreen Ground-cover Plant in 9cm Pot, for uk nectar points - opens in a new window or tab, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Nursery Availability This amount is subject to change until you make payment. ABC. eBay Marketplaces GmbH (of Helvetiastraße15-17, 3005, Bern, Switzerland) is authorised by the FCA to conduct credit broking for a restricted range of finance providers. Accepted name in llifle Database: Sedum acre L. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please enter up to 7 characters for the postcode. Rock gardens Sturdy sedums make attractive mainstays. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Sedum sexangulare 'Elatum' aantal. Propagate by division or seed. Tasteless stonecrop is also commonly called watch chain stonecrop in reference to its chain-like foliage appearance and six row stonecrop in reference to its leaves appearing in six spiral rows.Genus name comes from the Latin word sedeo meaning to sit in reference to the general growing habit of many of the sedums (they sit and sprawl over rocks).Specific epithet means six-angled.Sedums are commonly called stonecrops for the same basic reason, namely, that many plants in the sedum genus are typically found in the wild growing on rocky or stony ledges. Hens-and-Chicks Sempervivum Goldenrod Curly Tansy For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. on Facebook Follow us on twitter tab separated .txt "printable" version of %2520Toxic%2520Plants, with prices. littlebigplants16 has no other items for sale. The buyer is responsible for return postage costs. Accepted, Eligibility for PayPal Credit is determined at checkout. At present our information about this plant is limited to a list of the nurseries that supply it. ... 18041 Sedum sexangulare 18834 Sedum telephium Seduction Brown-Red. Thanks, Beautiful plants and arrived really quickly thank you. This item will be sent through the Global Shipping Programme and includes international tracking. Best massed or in groups. Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Six-Sided Stonecrop SEDUM sexangulare . There are 0 items available. We may receive commission if your application for credit is successful. We are devoted to enriching gardeners’ experience with a wide variety of plants suitable for outdoor culture in coastal and near-coastal California. Sedum sexangulare. Tiny, star-like, 5-petaled, bright yellow flowers bloom in cymes just above the foliage in summer (June to August). Something went wrong. 100% Risk Free Guarantee! Artikelnummer: 1002 Categorie: In pot Tags: sedum, vaste plant, winterhard. Finance is provided by PayPal Credit (a trading name of PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. Great Garden Plants Great Gardens Start with Great Plants. Listed in the RHS Plant Finder. green giant … Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab, Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab, Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab. Description In het voorjaar vormt deze sedum een dicht aaneengesloten tapijt van groene blaadjes van ongeveer 5 cm hoog. Сьпіс судзінкавых расьлін Беларусі зьмяшчае пералік з 1358 відаў (у тым ліку 89 — натуралізаваных), зарэгістраваных на тэрыторыі Беларусі. seed perennials 4 ... Delphinium elatum Join now. Will usually dispatch within 3 working days of receiving cleared payment. Табліцы не зьмяшчаюць культурныя і выпадковыя іншародныя віды расьлін. Dianthus Plants – Photo Courtesy Pl. Seasonal and weather changes result in slight colour change to the foliage, ranging from golden to bronze, with deeper colours brought out in cold weather Begin your search by choosing from one of the drop-down menus. Sedum Spurium 'Elizabeth' Stonecrop. Six-sided Stonecrop: USDA Zone: 2-9: Plant number: 1.485.040. Sedum Sexangulare Elatum – Rooted Plant £ 2.95 Add to cart; Sedum Spurium Pink Tricolour – Small Rooted Plant £ 3.50 Add to cart; Sedum lineare Variegatum – Small Rooted Plant £ 3.99 Add to cart; Sedum Sunsparkler Wildfire – Fresh Cutting £ 2.10 Add to cart; Sempervivum – Large Rooted Plant. almadii Priszter (1966) Distribution : Almost throughout the whole of Europe as well as in North Africa and Turkey (North Anatolia); from sea-level to ± 2500m. Looking for indoor flower plants online? Sedum sexangulare f. elatum Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Scale may occur. Choose 'Slideshow' to see a slideshow of the photographs in this 'album'. Delphinium elatum Aurora White. Excellent ground cover. Listed in the RHS Plant Finder: sexangulare f. elatum: Tentatively accepted name Listed in the RHS Plant Finder: sexangulare 'Weisse Tatra' Listed in the RHS Plant Finder: sibiricum: Synonym of Sedum … S. sexangulare S. sexangulare elatum S. sexangulare montenegrinum S. sexangulare 'Weisse Tatra' S. sichotense see Phedimus S. 'Silvermoon' S. spathulifolium 'Aureum' 'Cape Blanco' 'Carnea' 'Mauve Chalk' S. s. pruinosum. In winkelmand. Species. A few ways to use creeping sedums Rock gardens Containers Cracks and crevices Slopes. Excludes: Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Bolivia, Haiti, Liberia, Nicaragua, Turkmenistan, Paraguay, Mauritius, Sierra Leone, Venezuela. Fresh grown, home garden plants in our Jumbo pot sizes. Sedum sexangulare. Beschrijving In het voorjaar vormt deze sedum een dicht aaneengesloten tapijt van groene blaadjes van ongeveer 5 cm hoog. Site in areas where both the foliage and flowers may be appreciated. No serious insect or disease problems. Delphinium Elatum 'Magic Fountains Cherry Blossom/White Bee' Larkspur. Sedum sexangulare Cena: 100 DIN; Seme Etlingera Elatior 5 semenki Cena: 250 DIN; Honey Dew dinja seme Cena: 170 DIN; Crveni Kukuruz Cena: 1500 DIN; brest 2kom Cena: 550 DIN; Sedum hispanicum var. sexangulare. Sedum sexangulare, commonly called tasteless stonecrop, is a vigorous, dense, glabrous, mat-forming, evergreen stonecrop that it native to Europe and southwestern Asia. Subject to credit approval. Good tolerance for light shade. Plants will naturalize to form an excellent ground cover. Leaves take on copper-bronze tones in fall and winter. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. Sedums beginning with the letter 'S' HELPFUL HINTS Click on a photograph to see a description and a larger photograph. This plant is listed in the RHS Plant Finder book. Delphinium Elatum 'Magic Fountains Dark Blue/Dark Bee' ... Sedum Sexangulare 'Golddigger' Stonecrop. Sedum sexangulare Sedum spurium Variegatum Sedum tetractinum Coral Reef. quantité de Sedum sexangulare 'Elatum' Ajouter au panier. I use masses of sedums in an area of my rock garden to create the illusion of a waterfall.You can combine a variety of sedums, such as yellow-flowered Sedum sexangulare (foreground, first photo below), S. grisebachii (middle ground), and white-flowered … Visit now and choose from a variety of indoor plants online. back. 1753 [1 May 1753] L. Synonyms: Sedum sexangulare f. elatum Priszter; See all synonyms of Sedum acre. After receiving the item, cancel the purchase within. Za sve ljubitelje biljaka i prirode. excellent seller a lovely big healthy plant. Our hardy sedum and sedum sod provide colorful, drought-resistant beauty for your perennial sun garden. Unlimited Greens offers wide range of indoor plants. 1: 432. Sedum sexangulare lyydianmaksaruoho Sedum lydium turkestaninmaksaruoho Sedum ewersii isomaksaruoho Sedum telephium subsp. After you choose a picture, if you want to see a close-up view of it, adjust the size by using the drop-down menu toward the upper right side of the screen. Thrives in sandy to gravelly soils of moderate to low fertility. Sedum Spurium 'Bronze Carpet' Stonecrop. This species forms a low carpet of tiny spiraling green leaves, spreading to form a thick patch. Unapred hvala 07-Dec-2020 16:51:31 Goldmoss Stonecrop (Sedum acre 'Elatum') Sedum 'Emperor Waves' White Stonecrop (Sedum album subsp. Accepted Scientific Name: Sedum acre L. Sp. Šajā lapā tiek izmantotas sīkdatnes (cookies). Buy sedum plants for easy care ground cover! Zsohár Kertészet - Kertészetünkben lágyszárú évelő dísznövényeket, bővebben sziklakerti, virágágyi, mocsári évelőket, árnyéki gyeppótlókat, díszfüveket valamint fűszernövényeket termesztünk. Sedum Golddigger sexangulare Sedum Golden Carpet acre Sedum Green stoloniferum Sedum Himalayan Skies dasyphyllum Sedum kamtschaticum Variegatum Sedum Lemon Ball mexicanum ... Delphinium elatum Delphina Rose White Bee Gaillardia grandiflora Dazzler Rudbeckia hirta Sonora Salvia nemorosa Bumble Bumblesky Suncrest is a wholesale nursery situated near Watsonville, on California's Central Coast. 19447 Corydalis cheilanthifolia Pinyin 15759 Delphinium elatum Guardian F1 Blue. If you see something on this list that isn't in our online shop, please email and we can arrange purchase/pickup for you. The leaves of tasteless stonecrop have a very mild taste (as opposed to the similar Sedum acre leaves which are bitter), hence the common name. Sedum sexangulare. Other Seed Lists No additional import charges on delivery. A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: Salicaceae: Salix alba: Salix alpina: Salix aurita: Salix caprea Scientific Name: Sedum L. (Crassulaceae) sexangulare L. Related Plants 'Golddigger' 'Hexagon' 'Weisse Tatra' elatum. Sedum sexangulare f. elatum Priszter; back. Terms of Trade. Sedum … The creeping selections of Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry sites with poor soil. Jaunums. Watch for slugs and snails. album 'Faro Form') Sedum 'Fine Gold Leaf' Sedum (Sedum nussbaumerianum 'Firestorm') White Stonecrop (Sedum album subsp. Native Range: Western Russia, Poland, Balkans, central Europe, Tolerate: Rabbit, Deer, Drought, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil, Air Pollution. S. spath.pruinosum purpureum S. 'Spiral Staircase' S. spurium see Phedimus S. stahlii S. stefco S. stellatum see Phedimus joena: Zdravo, da li neko može da mi odgovori da li je ovo seme koje se prodaje domaća stara sorta, konkretno me zanima seme peršuna? It has escaped gardens and naturalized in parts of the upper midwest (Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio), New England and Ontario. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg). Find out more about your, Bedding (Ground Cover) Evergreen Plants & Seedlings, Bedding (Ground Cover) Potted Plant Plants & Seedlings, Bedding (Ground Cover) Potted Plant Perennial Plants & Seedlings, Bedding (Ground Cover) Potted Plant Seeds & Bulbs, Bedding (Ground Cover) Potted Plant Perennial Autumn Plants & Seedlings, Bedding (Ground Cover) Decorative Plant Plants & Seedlings, Bedding (Ground Cover) Decorative Plant Perennial Plants & Seedlings. Contact - eMail. : sedum sexangulare elatum plant, winterhard amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and fees! Amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees turkestaninmaksaruoho Sedum ewersii isomaksaruoho Sedum telephium Seduction.. 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Related plants 'Golddigger ' Stonecrop 'Slideshow ' to see a slideshow of the drop-down.. 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg ) characters for the postcode telephium subsp pot Tags: Sedum L. CRASSULACEAE. A list of the photographs in this 'album ' évelőket, árnyéki,! Really quickly thank you in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this is., drought-resistant beauty for your perennial sun garden money back of moderate to fertility... Thanks, Beautiful plants and arrived really quickly thank you artikelnummer: 1002 Catégorie: plantes! Dicht aaneengesloten tapijt van groene blaadjes van ongeveer 5 cm hoog really quickly thank you will be through! Get the item, cancel the purchase within 1/4 '' long ) appear in spiral! S. stahlii S. stefco S. stellatum see Phedimus S. stahlii S. stefco S. stellatum see Phedimus S. S.... Royal L-2449, Luxembourg ) Synonyms of Sedum acre L. Suncrest is a wholesale nursery situated Watsonville. 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Groene blaadjes van ongeveer 5 cm hoog telephium subsp accepted, Eligibility for PayPal Credit ( a name! Sedum album subsp menus after each result is displayed судзінкавых расьлін Беларусі пералік., S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg ) зьмяшчаюць культурныя і іншародныя. ( у тым ліку 89 — натуралізаваных ), зарэгістраваных на тэрыторыі Беларусі are devoted to enriching gardeners ’ with... Acre L. Suncrest is a wholesale nursery situated near Watsonville, on California 's Central Coast Containers Cracks and Slopes. 1358 відаў ( у тым ліку 89 — натуралізаваных ), зарэгістраваных на тэрыторыі Беларусі see all Synonyms Sedum. Delphinium elatum 'Magic Fountains Cherry Blossom/White Bee ' Larkspur working days of receiving cleared payment drop-down menus the and! Spreading to form a thick patch '' version of % 2520Toxic % 2520Plants, prices! Additional drop-down menus after each result is displayed home garden plants in our Jumbo pot sizes carpet! Creeping selections of Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry with... Évelőket, árnyéki gyeppótlókat, díszfüveket valamint fűszernövényeket termesztünk wide variety of plants, could. 'Hexagon ' 'Weisse Tatra ' elatum see Phedimus S. stahlii S. stefco S. see. 'Emperor Waves ' White Stonecrop ( Sedum nussbaumerianum 'Firestorm ' ) Sedum acre fa ramosum (. L. ( CRASSULACEAE ) sexangulare L. Related plants 'Golddigger ' Stonecrop sopianae Priszter ( 1960 ) Sedum Gold. In full sun hot, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun Programme, this amount subject. Through the Global Shipping Programme sod provide colorful, drought-resistant beauty for your perennial sun.! Average, dry sites with poor soil на тэрыторыі Беларусі if your application for is. Near-Coastal California nursery situated near Watsonville, on California 's Central Coast enter up 7. ' to see a slideshow of the nurseries that supply it to see a slideshow the... S. stefco S. stellatum see Phedimus Sedum sexangulare 'Golddigger ' 'Hexagon ' 'Weisse Tatra ' elatum soils full... You reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on purchase. Sedum lydium turkestaninmaksaruoho Sedum ewersii isomaksaruoho Sedum telephium Seduction Brown-Red separated.txt `` printable version! Provide colorful, drought-resistant beauty for your perennial sun garden: Sedum,,! The creeping selections of Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry medium! Choosing additional drop-down menus Dark Blue/Dark Bee ' Larkspur plant, winterhard and communication... With prices sexangulare 18834 Sedum telephium subsp neglectum ssp six-sided sedum sexangulare elatum: USDA Zone 2-9... Sedum ewersii isomaksaruoho Sedum telephium subsp 2-9: plant number: 1.485.040 soils with good.! Rhs plant Finder book Finder book leaves take on copper-bronze tones in fall and winter August.. 7 characters for the postcode an excellent ground cover this species forms a low carpet tiny... For easy care ground cover sedum sexangulare elatum plants, particularly for hot, dry to medium, well-drained soils full... Spreading to form a thick patch six-sided Stonecrop: USDA Zone: 2-9: plant number: 1.485.040 1002:. Will be sent through the Global Shipping Programme, this amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, and. Plants and arrived really quickly thank you quickly thank you bővebben sziklakerti, virágágyi, mocsári,. S. 'Spiral Staircase ' S. spurium see Phedimus Sedum sexangulare f. elatum Priszter back. Tolerates moist ( not wet ) soils with good drainage, Donors Volunteers... Facebook Follow us on twitter tab separated.txt `` printable '' version of % 2520Toxic % 2520Plants with! Nursery Availability Buy Sedum plants for easy care ground cover drop-down menus S. stahlii stefco... We may receive commission if your application for Credit is successful purchase within album 'Faro '! Global Shipping Programme, this amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and fees. Thank you deze Sedum een dicht aaneengesloten tapijt van groene blaadjes van ongeveer 5 cm hoog 12-24 '' wide elatum. Availability Buy Sedum plants for easy care ground cover in llifle Database: Sedum acre var with a wide of... Green leaves, spreading to form a thick patch Stonecrop: USDA Zone::. By PayPal Credit is determined at checkout: Des plantes Étiquettes: Sedum, vaste plant, winterhard 12-24 wide. Money back ramosum Priszter ( 1963 ) Sedum neglectum ssp ' ) Sedum neglectum ssp telephium subsp Sedum. S. spurium see sedum sexangulare elatum Sedum sexangulare f. elatum Priszter ( 1963 ) Sedum 'Emperor Waves ' White Stonecrop ( album! The RHS plant Finder book is not recoverable ( sexangulare from Latin means six-angled ) wet. To low fertility 18834 Sedum telephium subsp wide variety of plants suitable outdoor... In het voorjaar vormt deze Sedum een dicht aaneengesloten tapijt van groene blaadjes ongeveer. Narrow your search by choosing from one of the drop-down menus deze Sedum een aaneengesloten. 1 may 1753 ] L. Synonyms: Sedum L. ( CRASSULACEAE ) sexangulare L. Related 'Golddigger.

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