Effective use of herbicides requires the correct identification of problem weeds and a knowledge of their life cycle. It is a good tool but it’s best to use preventive herbicides first, and only use Roundup if needed to avoid any potential weed resistance. The specific herbicides and control strategies avail-able for use will depend on the type of forage you grow (alfalfa, alfalfa/grass mixture, clovers, or other legumes), whether your stand is a new seeding [prior to first cutting] or an established stand, and the crop growth stage (dormant, nondormant, be-tween cutting). Removing Alfalfa with Tillage can Create Problems. by University News Release. To be most successful, though, you must apply these herbicides before alfalfa shoots green-up this spring to avoid much injury to your alfalfa. Non-selective Herbicides. There are essentially 3 food plot herbicides most plotters need to concern themselves with. Excellent weed uctril controls most small broadleaf weeds, but alfalfa injury can occur when temperatures exceed 80 degrees. Progressive Cattle magazine captures the essence of the cattle producer and ranching experience. Alfalfa Seedling Rates Alfalfa 1 st Season Yield Weed 1 Season Yield Alfalfa Stand End of Year 1 Pounds per acre Tons per acre Tons per acre Plants per ft2 Fiddleneck 15 0.5 12.7 0.9 30 0.1 12.2 0.8 Typically, a fall While many herbicides are available to remove alfalfa, the most popular active ingredients include glyphosate, 2,4-D, and/or dicamba. Established alfalfa applications must be made when alfalfa is dormant, semidormant (less than 3 inches of regrowth) or between cuttings. Search Imox on our store. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, in Southwest Kansas, most of the alfalfa is planted in the fall. Keep in mind all of these herbicides are labeled for use in pure—stand alfalfa. Weeds affect alfalfa stands in different ways during the various stages of alfalfa production: prior to establishment, in the seedling stage, and in established stands. Glyphosate is the logical choice in Roundup Ready corn following a non-Roundup Ready alfalfa crop, but other active ingredients are also available if both crops are glyphosate tolerant. Crop safety is better than Buctril, but you should have at least two trifoliates on the alfalfa before you spray. Ideally, temperatures for a few days following the application should be above 50°. Gramoxone, for example, is a Group 22 herbicide that has a different site of action then the Group 4 herbicides like 2,4-D and dicamba. Dormant Spray For Alfalfa Weeds. Same active ingredient as Raptor, a better product than Pursuit, much lower price. Herbicide registration for weeds in alfalfa began following World War II with the first registered selective herbicide 2,4-DB. Herbicides for Alfalfa and Other Legume Hay Crops* Herbicides recommended for use in alfalfa are listed in Table 1 on pages 3 and 4. However, only metribuzin and Pursuit can be applied to established alfalfa-grass mixes. Crop safety is critical and difficult to achieve in alfalfa/grass mixtures because the herbicides must be safe to both species. Herbicides need to be applied before a killing freeze and when there is sufficient alfalfa growth (generally 4 to 6 inches). Herbicide registrations increased through the 1980s. Herbicides for Spring Weed Control in Alfalfa — Dwight Lingenfelter and Bill Curran, Penn State Weed Science It’s time to check the need for weed control. If you buy hay for your animals, ask the farmer or seller which herbicides, if any, were used in producing the hay. Grazing and hay-cutting restrictions are listed in Table 3 on page 5. Best Time to Spray Grass Selective Herbicide in Clover To get a nice clean clover plot this fall, you need to maintain it during the summer. Imazethapyr (Pursuit) has both preemergence and postemergence activity and is selective in alfalfa. These late winter weeds are relatively easy to control with several post-emergence herbicides. During mild winter weather would be a great time. Rate increases with larger alfalfa plant size: use the 8 fl oz rate (0.125 lb a.i.) Normally, alfalfa is left in the crop rotation for three to five years before being removed. While glyphosate has no plant-back restrictions for other crops, 2,4-D and dicamba do. Used correctly, it kills broadleaf plants – including clover – without damaging grass. You can spray it on your lawn in the right ratio to eliminate various non-grassy weeds. “Make these postemergence applications for corn in … These include herbicides that contain dicamba or clopyralid. Herbicides used in alfalfa establishment can be grouped into categories based on their timing of application. All alfalfa, including Roundup Ready alfalfa, is very susceptible to 2,4-D and Banvel, so we would recommend using one of these herbicides (probably 2,4-D) to take out old stand. If you wait and alfalfa shoots are green when you spray, your alfalfa growth might be set back a … Growers should select herbicides that will control the weed species that are present. Alfalfa/Orchard Grass Broadleaf Herbicide. Thorough coverage is essential for best control. A simple indicator that these herbicides were not used in the production of hay is the presence of legumes, such as lespedeza, clovers or alfalfa. The Herbicides . Keystone Pest Solutions Raptor Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Better than Slay Herbicide) [241-379] - Raptor Herbicide (1 Gallon) -Better than Slay Herbicide Replacement product now available. Same active ingredient, half price. Alfalfa/grass is a very competitive crop, so a thick stand, proper irrigation, and adequate fertilization minimizes most weed problems. Flixweed (Descurainia sophia), an annual mustard, infestation in alfalfa. Consult a copy of the herbicide label from a farmer or online. Like the other herbicides discussed in this article, it is systemic, so weeds need to be actively growing when they are sprayed. The sun will help the vinegar dry out and kill them. You should mow it in late spring to control broadleaf weeds. Clover, alfalfa and chicory are the perennials that you may plant in some of your green fields that will need to be mowed. Other herbicides registered in established alfalfa, like Shark, for example, are not an option because they are not labeled for seedling alfalfa and might kill the young alfalfa plants. “Now we have Enlist, Liberty, and Xtend (herbicide-tolerant weed-management systems). Butyrac (2,4-DB) – Butyrac is a helper that can be added to one of the above herbicides to add a lot of burn on broadleaf weeds. - posted in Weed and Pest Management: Has anyone had success at killing winter annuals in alfalfa/orchard grass with anything other than Butyrac 200. Will not control emerged weeds, only germinating weeds and nutsedge tubers. ously growing alfalfa crop competes with weeds and lessens the need for other controls. Do not graze or cut for hay within 30 days after treatment. Available in Quarts and Gallons. Keystone Pest Solutions Pursuit Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Same as Slay Herbicide) [241-310] - Pursuit Herbicide (1 Gallon) -Compare to Slay Herbicide Replacement better product now available.. 2 to 3 qts. Land managers commonly use this to spray oat, sorghum, rye and wheat plots. Did any drift occur? If you mow chicory when it starts molting (putting out a long shoot from the middle of the plant) and cut that shoot, it’ll encourage new growth from that plant. The other major question has been how to take out alfalfa stands, since many have used Roundup for this. This is the broadleaf king slayer of herbicides. Herbicides in alfalfa. To avoid alfalfa damage do not mix them with these types of adjuvants. The non-selective, the broadleaf selective, and the grass selective. “Pre-emergent herbicides are needed on established hay to kill hard to control weeds such as palmer amaranth,” Benyshek adds. About 30 percent of farmers use a combination of herbicides and tillage. The restriction varies depending on the crop, rate, and product so read the label carefully. Other preemergence herbicides such as norflurazon (Solicam), EPTC (Eptam), Prowl H 2 O, and trifluralin granules do not have significant foliar activity. Herbicides are applied to 75% of newly planted alfalfa in California.2 Herbicides are considered an integral part of a total weed manage system that compliment cultural approaches. Caution should be taken, however, before spraying 2,4-D weed killers on turfgrass. COMMENTS: Application may be made to both dormant and actively growing alfalfa. Many newer products on the market contain older active ingredients that work fine in low desert alfalfa … To be most successful, though, you must apply these herbicides before alfalfa shoots green-up this spring to avoid much injury to your alfalfa. During mild winter weather would be a great time. This is a systemic chemical, so spray it when undesirable species are already present. Postemergence—Established Alfalfa. Search Imox on our store. Roundup PowerMAX ® Roundup PowerMAX herbicide provides the powerful weed control you’ve come to trust and expect from the Roundup ® brand glyphosate-only agricultural herbicide family. Rate/Acre Broadcast One step is to spray a grass selective herbicide if the grass competition is strong. Also safe on Chickory where Pursuit is not. Figure 1. Expected weed response for alfalfa herbicides can be found in Table 2 on page 4. Currently, tillage is the most common method of removing forages from the rotation. if alfalfa has at least 3 trifoliate leaves and 12.8 fl oz (0.2 lb a.i.) Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. if alfalfa has 6 trifoliate leaves. While 2,4-D breaks down relatively quickly, it can remain active in the soil for one to four weeks, so keep this in mind if you will be planting any broadleaf species in … ... don’t forget to spray herbicides for weeds and mow. 2,4-D is safe for lawns since herbicides containing as the active ingredient control most broadleaf weeds without harming the grass. Various. Tank mixing information with other herbicides is limited. Round-up (Glyphosate) Non-selective herbicides are essentially kill all herbicides, and these are relatively easy to understand as far as use. I have quite a outbreak of a hodge podge of winter annuals in one of my alfalfa/orchard grass fields and the weeds are larger than I like for Butyrac. We typically only recommend 1 to 2 ounces of Butyrac to minimize crop injury. If you wait and alfalfa shoots are green when you spray, your alfalfa growth might be set back a couple weeks. Lack of effective weed control during stand establishment can dramatically reduce alfalfa yield, and result in poor stands, regardless of seeding rate.
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