Although some may argue that because of westernization, Japan lost its traditional values and culture through the disappearance of the kimono, that is not the case. this should not be the way. According to Yuniya Kawamura, During the Taisho period (1912-1926), wearing Western clothing was a symbol of sophistication and an expression of modernity (Kawamura). Below are the five most important global consequences of the Westernization process. While only a small perc⦠Now that I think about it, westernization has had such a long history in China that there are even words in Chinese that are borrowed from the English language such as pizza, soda, and chocolate. This study is on the effects of western civilization on African culture a case study of South West Nigeria. Accessed December 8, 2917 from, The 'de-westernization' of the world. Effects Of Westernization On Indian Culture 1875 Words | 8 Pages. Students who find writing to be a difficult task. By far, the greatest impact that westernization has had on our culture is on the language. Consulted by, Westernization Consulted by, The Idea of the West: Culture, Politics and History. By far, the greatest impact that westernization has had on our culture is on the language. To learn more about westernization, I went to my mother who experienced westernization firsthand. Many opponents of westernization believe that by allowing it, countries lose their traditions and values. A common and genuine fear among conservative Indians (specially the elders) is that the rampant westernization amongst Indians is leading to the gradual decline and eventual ruins of Indian culture and tradition. The educational system in Japan was based on the European system which provided proper education for not just Japanese men, but also for women and children. Westernization, the adoption of the practices and culture of western Europe by societies and countries in other parts of the world, whether through compulsion or influence. You can get 100% plagiarism FREE essay in 30sec, Sorry, we cannot unicalize this essay. Contemporary ideas of what constitutes "Western culture" reflect its postcolonial origins and twentieth-century politics, just as the idea of the "West" may have had slightly different meanings between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. Although Chinese people may be uncertain or divided about westernization, numbers do not lie. Throughout my life, I have come to recognize both the distinctions that set the two cultures apart as well as the crossroads at which the two cultures cross. Want us to write one just for you? No! Although K-pop is successful in appealing to the South Koreans with their western infused pop, the same cannot be said about K-pop’s influence in North America. American TV shows and the ideas portrayed through them are becoming increasingly popular with the Chinese youths. Although Westerners may not be very accepting of “diluted” versions of western products, those in Japan are very welcoming of western ideas. According to Seong Won Park, many Korean women aspire to go to America because they want to run away from Korean patriarchal society” (Park 59). People find eating with their hands now wrong just because of their friends that have come from a completely different background. Thus, for this reason, K-pop has had a hard time finding western audiences that are not previously affiliated with the K-pop genre. The European colonies in America and Africa were subjected to the exploitation of precious metals (gold, silver) and other metals such as copper, bronze, tin, for commercial purposes. Changing image of Asian women â why these changes have occurred and investigate the effect Western fashion imagery has on Asian women. Our mother tongue Urdu is being replaced by English as a more common language used in conversations. uses cookies. While I was there, I remember seeing shirts with English words written on them and wondering why that was the case since Chinese people wouldn’t know what the words meant. According to Kate Williams, China’s FDI (foreign direct investment) in September 2013 rose 8.8 billion dollars (Williams). Heroes are heroes and villains are villains. According to Jessica Oak and Park Young Woong, “Their combination of Western and Eastern sounds… have all helped K-pop stand out among other genres” (Oak and Woong). Emmanuel O Ajigbotoluwa. To learn more about westernization, I visited my mom who knowledgeable westernization direct. Colonialism and neocolonialism as an expression of the Westernization process, caused a strong change in the cultural patterns of the native peoples of America and Oceania and to a lesser extent in Africa and Asia. Overall, many countries all over the world have experienced many effects of westernization. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. 1.1 Background Of The Study. GradesFixer. To further expand on this idea, westernization will be examined in the countries of China, South Korea, and Japan. According to Zenjiro Watanabe, Westernization caused the introduction of dining out in Japan (Watanabe). She told me that the biggest change was from a communist economy to a market-capitalist economy. We will occasionally send you account related emails. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. The system of indigenous collectivist production, based on sustainable agriculture and livestock, was replaced by mercantilism, feudalism and later by the capitalism . Consulted by, Westernization. Another important consequence of Westernization was the ethnic-fission change, which produced the process of miscegenation in America and Oceania. K-pop music videos also exhibit the western trend of focusing on telling a story through the music video rather than performing or dancing. The native languages were replaced by Spanish, Portuguese, French or English irreversibly in Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Algeria, Gabon, Tunisia, Angola, Mozambique, to name just a few. Little did I know, this was one of the many examples of westernization that had taken root in China and many other countries. In the last fifty years, Japan has been undergoing a series of considerable changes such as the development in technology, the improvement of its economy and the changes of its culture through westernization. A new race of men emerged in the union of Europeans with indigenous and black Africans. The impact or consequences of Westernization are evident in culture, language, ethnicity, religion , the economy , architecture, literature, politics, customs and values . The incorporation of English words into the Korean language is an obvious effect of westernization. Westernization in JapanConsidered to be fairly western, Japan has embraced westernization, which is reflected in their diet, fashion, and education system. These changes also brought about western foods into the Japanese diet. While westernization have brought about many positive changes in Nigeria, it has also brought about many negative changes and the negative is what many Nigerians are focusing on thus relegating the positive, a very close look at internet scam popularly called âyahoo yahooâ will buttress this point. Positive Effects Of Westernization Professor Hawk English Comp II 15 April, 2013 The Positive Effect of Social Media Since the birth of social media people have argued whether it has a positive or negative effect on society. Life in these countries went from watching mundane Chinese shows to humorous western shows, listening to traditional Korean music to K-pop infused with western music styles and English lyrics in South Korea, and from wearing traditional kimonos to business suits in Japan. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. Western countries began having relations with Japan once more as a result of the invention of the steam engine and advances in transportation. One positive change that westernization has brought to China is television. But this appreciation for western culture is not felt by everyone in China. By the time Peter the Great became tsar, Russia was the largest country in the world, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Comments Print Mail Large Medium Small., What are the effects of Westernization. This process was not carried out in a peaceful and natural way, but was forced to facilitate the indigenous exploitation and the exploitation of the mineral resources found (gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, etc. There is a fierce battle of westernization vs. traditionalism on the continent. Ultimately, the opinion of western influence in China is mixed: many will express negative feelings towards American foreign policy, but at the same time, are more appreciative of changes that have occurred as a result of westernization. Overall, China has experienced many positive effects of westernization in the past decades in the form of more variety in media and television and an increased FDI which has led to economic prosperity. The following is a short Interview with a Muslim Religious Education teacher (MK), on the effects of westernization on Islamic culture and way of life: Me: To what extent do you think westernization has affected Muslim culture and way of life? This fascination is coinciding with the rise of the new ‘golden age’ of quality television in America, with complex characters and unconventional storytelling. All songs were controlled by the government. Not only is westernization able to be seen in diet trends, it can also be seen through the style and clothing changes across Japan. But unlike the mixed opinions that China harbors, South Korea expresses a different attitude towards westernization. This change was caused by the diversification in lifestyle that took place in the post World War II period. Although Korea did not fully adopt the (mostly) equal society in terms of gender in America, the idea still penetrated society. My entire life has revolved about two distinct cultures: Chinese and American. If you’d like this or any other sample, we’ll happily email it to you. With Africa now becoming increasingly westernized, these indigenous cultures and traditions are at risk of being wiped out. ), in the American case. But acquiring proficiency in any foreign language is made up of much more than speaking and writing. These two cultures have worked in excellent harmony to shape the way I reside. My whole life has revolved around two distinct cultures: Chinese and American. Also in the assimilation of customs and traditions, lifestyles , dress, food, etc. Analysis of the explosion in international exchanges is mainly focused on the impact of globalization and between the peoples of the world economic aspects of the cultural exchanges between the expenditure. The incorporation of English words into the Korean language is ⦠Recovered from AJIGBOTOLUWA EMMANUEL OLUWAFEMI. Lack of consciousness The Westernization of the Filipino mind has dulled its perception of even worst aspects of Western exploitation and influence and has resulted in a crisis of identity. The western culture has specifically permeated the cultures of China, South Korea, and Japan with regards to the diet, fashion, pop culture, language, and much more. This increased her family’s income, which impacted her life in more ways she could imagine. The most appealing aspect is authenticity. Throughout my life, I have come to recognize both the distinctions that set the two cultures apart as well as the crossroads at which the two cultures cross. The impact or consequences of Westernization are evident in culture, language, ethnicity, religion , the economy , architecture, literature, politics, customs and values . The term culture has ⦠Moreover, the increase in fast food also contributed to the increase in fat intake, which demonstrates how an initially positive change can result in a negative consequence. ⦠Konglish uses English words but twists the pronunciation to fit Hangul (Korean language), and the Konglish words, when written, are distinctly Korean, so it still retains its original culture while using these half-English words. My mother witnessed this change first hand, as she lived in the capital city Beijing, which harbored many tourist attractions. Because western culture had such a great impact on Japan during the Meiji restoration, the Japanese were very appreciative of western “luxuries,” and wearing western clothes was a way to show a higher class. By clicking “Send”, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Spanish policy in the Philippines was exceptionally different from Dutch policy in Indonesi⦠Religion was fundamental in the Westernization process, since it served to justify the process itself. However, this is not the case: Although westernization has negative effects, countries should allow the flow of western ideas in order to culturally advance their societies. After the change of economy, my grandmother’s dream not only came true but was more than what she could have ever imagined. Srinivas defined it: âI have used the term âwesternisationâ to characterize the changes brought about in the Indian society and culture as a result of over 150 years of British ruleâ. After the westernization, Chinese artists started producing pop songs that mimicked American music at the time. In Ecuador, many locals depend on the tourist industry, so they are learning to speak English. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described, Westernization. This unanimous decision reflects Chinese dissatisfaction with the American foreign policy, as they have experienced and seen how America treats other countries and are unhappy about it. This is evident in the many Korean women immigrating to America to escape the patriarchal society of Korea. Having trouble finding the perfect essay? THE EFFECTS OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION ON AFRICAN CULTURE; A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA.pdf. The last important change that my mother observed was the increase in tourism both to and from China. Although this wasn’t’ the style of older generation kpop, it is slowly changing due to the western influence. By comparison, Chinese TV can feel uninspired with relatively predictable plotlines and unambiguous characters. The Effects of Westernization. My whole life has revolved around two distinct cultures: Chinese and American. General pattern of media ownership that is west led by the United States to dominate the information the major media and entertainment sectors in international flows.But what is such a global way flow of information and entertainment on the national and regional ⦠English is especially important for obtaining sought-after competitive jobs in Korean large firms like Samsung, Hyundai, and LG, as well as high-paying jobs in international companies. the effect of âwesternizationâ on nutrition is often explored in studies like these,15,18,38,39 its effects on other behaviors, like physical activity and sedentary behavior, remains under-investigated. The FDI of a country measures how much foreign investment is put into another country. Because China has such a large FDI, this means that other countries, particularly those in the west, are pouring money into China in the form of investment in companies and e-commerce. But the real question is whether this symbolizes a loss or deviation away from the native Korean culture. In order to cater to tourists, they try to make their ⦠This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. This was just the beginning for her, as she later chose to immigrate to America, which was allowed by China because of the westernization that took place during the time. As my mother thinks back to when she was still a small child living in China, she recalls the time that everyone was too poor to even buy meat and dairy products, so much so that my grandmother’s dream was to be able to eat chicken once a month. This essay has been submitted by a student. Westernization Beauty 1525 Words | 7 Pages. Effects of Westernization on Indian Culture and Traditions. Effects Of Westernization In Japan. This new lifestyle demanded increased individualization and simplicity and led to the development of the foodservice industry and instant foods. In another study of ours from India, the impact of âwesternizationâ on teen tobacco use was entirely Westernization is the process in which regional or local cultures become heavily influenced by western culture and society, which in turn leads to cultural homogeneity. Americanization of globalization is another term? Westernization reached much of the world as part of the process of colonialism and continues to be a significant cultural phenomenon as a result of globalization . 52.5% received plastic surgery and 82.1% wanted to receive cosmetic surgery (Park 55). Before westernization, my mother listened to traditional Chinese songs such as the national anthem, and the variety was very little. this essay is not unique. She told me that the biggest change was from a communist economy to a market-capitalist economy. For instance, Chinese students almost unanimously stated that they thought Western democracy was unsuited for China (Fish). Much of Russiaâs expansion had taken place in the 17th century, culminating in the first Russian settlement of the Pacific in the mid-17th century, the reconquest of Kiev, and the pacification of the Siberian tribes. These two cultures have worked in perfect harmony to shape the way I live. ... civilization can be used as a complementary concept to culture The historical context of Westernization in Africa is the contact with Europe through Atlantic slave trade, missionary and imperialism. This is largely been attributed to have been done out of fear of westernization. Below are the five most important global consequences of the Westernization process. Koreans’ excessive preferences for US values lead Korean people to devalue their culture, especially their bodies, which is a negative effect of American influence in Korea. When she first saw foreigners, my mother was very curious about them because she had never seen a one before. However, the vast majority of the land was unoccupied, travel was slow, and the majority of the population of 14 million depended on farming. We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. âCultural homogenization, Americanization, westernization, the global village even modernity itself are all variants of myth-a cultural narrative to use the terms of this study-whereby the West imagines its own being and becoming and that of the rest of the world.â-BOOK Suitably Modern: Making Middle-class Culture in a New Consumer Society By Mark Liechty The reason behind the drastic amount of college girls receiving plastic surgery is the belief that “western” faces are more attractive, with western physical traits such as double eyelids, pale skin, and a V-shaped chin. Urbanization, the social advancement of women, and changes in labor conditions led to a gradual decrease in the traditional scene of the family gathered around the table at mealtime. This is an example of indirect Americanization. Positive effects of modernization: Enhanced medical facilities: The immediate impact of modernization is felt on the general health of the population. Westernization And Its Effects On Globalization And Westernization 1134 Words 5 Pages Throughout history, dating back to the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia, larger civilizations have sought to dominate other peoples while smaller nations have struggled to preserve their history, beliefs and culture. People seeking personal economic improvement; therefore, tend to attribute western characteristics by learning English, and Korean students generally prefer the United States as a place to learn the language. The Effects of Westernization . One of the biggest pop culture industries in South Korea is the famous K-pop industry. Another drastic change that occurred was the introduction of pop culture to society. Because of the cultural fusion between the two, K-pop is successful in appealing to both Westerners and Asians in their music and performances. Thus, as a result of westernization, Japan gained a new style of dining: fast food. After the westernization, many people traveled from all over the world to visit. A recent and rapidly-developing trend among an alarming number of Asian women has become a major focus of attention: the lengths to which they will go in pursuit of beauty or rather, the Western version of it. Positive and Negative Effect of Westernization - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The westernization Of China By LaFarha ( Updated: 2015-06-26 16:07. Our mother tongue Urdu is being replaced by English as a more common language used in conversations. They are pleased that other countries find western ideas, or in this case, music style to be appealing, but are hesitant to accept the westernized products from other countries because they believe the new products are lesser versions of the actual western product. The process of westernization of the world, also called Europeanization, Euroamericanization or Americanization, is the cultural assimilation that occurs in non-Western societies, which were or are under the influence of Western countries. But westernization has a hidden negative side that people may not realize or overlook. This kind of increased her familyâs income, which influenced her life in more methods she could imagine. Many K-pop songs incorporate different western styles in them such as EDM (electronic dance music), rap, and R&B. Grocery stores have an American section filled with familiar foods in shiny packages such as Pringles, Twinkies, Oreos, and more. So, it [â¦] We can custom edit this essay into an original, 100% plagiarism free essay. In stores, western music was being played by well-known artists such as Taylor Swift. These two cultures have worked in perfect harmony to shape the way I live. Before, people were not allowed to visit China from other countries. Westernization brought about a chain of related phenomena -- a decline of parental authority, a breakdown of the extended family, and a conscious initiation of ⦠Africa is a continent full of diversity in demographical characteristics, cultures, and traditions. All through my life, I have come to recognize both the distinctions that set the two cultures apart as well as the crossroads at which the two cultures cross. In addition to the change in dress, westernization also impacted Japan’s education system. He impact of westernization in today's world it is visible in various facets of life in the countries of the American continent, Africa, Asia and Oceania, where the process of colonization European from the sixteenth century. ADVERTISEMENTS: M.N. Instead, the kimono is worn on special occasions such as weddings or coming-of-age ceremonies. The whole core of his essay highlighted the negative effects of westernisation in Africa and how it has essentially harmed the African populations, forcing them into a condition whereby it is hard for them to grow and develop. The effects of westernization can also be seen through everyday speech and writing: Konglish is a cultural fusion of English words such as “ice cream” or “camera” into the Korean language (Rhodes). Catholicism and Protestantism as the main religious currents that accompanied the process of Westernization, was what was first transmitted to the native peoples or recipient cultures. Some of the largest effects of Westernization can be seen in tourism, where the country caters to people who visit there. Westernisation occurs at different levels: in the levels of technology, institution, ideology and values. Westernization in South Korean South Korea, the US is regarded as a symbol of urbanization, modernization, and freedom. The explanation for this drastic change in the Japanese people’s’ diets can be explained by westernization. According to Dal Yong Jin and Woonjae Ryoo, some westerners view K-pop as a diluted version of the Western music, making it hard for Korean musicians to find acceptance in the mainstream western pop industry (Jin and Ryoo). The first time I experienced a cultural crossroads was when I went to China. 2018 Jun 23 [cited 2020 Dec 21]. 1) Cultural Scribd is the ⦠Effect of Westernization on Asian Standards of Beauty The 1900s was a period of time that saw many changes to commercialized Eastern Asia, especially as westernization began to have a larger impact on their societies and culture. The western culture had not only permeated the culture of fashion and language, but also food, economics, and music. By the time the educational system had become universal in 1908, most of the Japanese children were able to read and write. Consulted of, Westernization. All rights reserved Gradesfixer ™, The Effects of Westernization [Internet]. Home — Essay Samples — Culture — American Culture — The Effects of Westernization. 2308 Words 10 Pages. As a result of this increased amount of western investment in China, China’s economy has prospered, as it has played an important role in China’s economic development and export success. She was now able to buy unnecessary goods such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and french fries, the staple of an American diet. On the other hand, in Indochina, with the French colonies in Vietnam and Cambodia, during the second half of the 19th century or on the African continent with the English and Portuguese colonies, they did not have the same impact as in America during the Conquest. 2020 © According to Eric Fish who is a writer at Asia Society, Hollywood themes of spontaneity, nonconformity, and self-realization particularly resonated with young Chinese fans of American TV (Fish). The question that westernization raises is whether countries should embrace it or shun it. Workers, especially men, started wearing business suits, and kimonos eventually started disappearing from casual life. Pssst… The Effects Of The Westernization And Commoditization Of Nigerian Culture INTRODUCTION. The term âwesternisationâ is ethically neutral. This just goes to show how every action that we take here in a western country is able to send a ripple to the rest of the world, whether it be a new fashion trend or a way of eating, the ideas from western countries are able to positively or negatively impact non-western countries. This makes the event even more special and allows the Japanese to keep their traditional way of dress. With trendy songs, complex dances, and beautiful faces, K-pop is the epitome of where Korean and Western cultures unite. Along with language being westernized, South Korea’s music has also been highly influenced by western ideas. Westernization has greatly affected our traditions, customs, family, and our love and respect for others. However, an exception should be made with the case of Hong Kong, which was under British administration from 1841 to 1997. In South Korea, looks are heavily stressed in society and many young girls can feel the pressure put on them to look a certain way: Psychiatrist Ryu In-Kyun examined how many Korean college girls received plastic surgery in 2007. This also shows the appeal of American culture that has traveled all the way to Korea. You can order Unique paper and our professionals Rewrite it for you. This Chinese territory is the most westernized in Asia. It had greatly changed the educational system in Japan by creating a new system for compulsory schooling in 1871” (“Western Effects on Japanese Culture During the Meiji Period”). Available from:, Recieve 100% plagiarism-Free paper just for 4.99$ on email, *Public papers are open and may contain not unique content. Attention! First, we can see the effects of westernization through the changes in the Japanese diet throughout time. we can write an original essay just for you. We’ve got you covered. The continentâs elites have to reject the notion that being âmodernâ and âcivilisedâ means aping the west, writes author Chigozie Obioma Because westerners promoted the importance of milk and animal proteins in their diet, these trends carried over to the Japanese diet. Social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram give people a ⦠This harsher view of K-pop reflects the views that westerners hold of westernization. According to Merriam-Webster, westernization is the process by which a country adopts western traditions, ideals, or techniques; the countries that are considered “western” are those in North America, Europe, and Australia. When she first saw foreigners, my mother ’ s FDI ( foreign direct investment ) in September rose. Westernization can be seen in tourism both to and from China evident in the countries of,... Modernization, and beautiful faces, K-pop is the most westernized in Asia be made with Chinese. 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