Mesotrione carryover to soybeans Mesotrione provides excellent residual control and breaks down readily in the soil provided there is sufficient moisture. As a general rule, corn or soybean herbicides with residual soil activity have the highest potential for causing carryover injury to wheat or forage grasses that may be planted in the fall. Mesotrione Carryover into Soybean – (Glenn Nice and Bill Johnson) Mesotrione, an active ingredient found in Callisto, Lumax, Lexar, and Halex provides excellent preemergence control of black nightshade, lambsquarter, pigweeds, annual smartweeds, velvetleaf and waterhemp. -- Mesotrione (Callisto) carryover in soybeans: This can cause stunted soybeans and an unhealthy light-green to yellow hue. Alfalfa. Broadleaves and/or grasses affected ... veins on soybeans, yellow flash in corn, bottle brush roots Amino acid syn. the first cases of Callisto® carryover injury onto soybeans in Missouri since the introduction of this herbicide in 2000. Soybean. For Soybean herbicides: Chlorimuron (Classic, Canopy, Cloak, etc. This is a good place to start when thinking about rotation … Buctril 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Do not plant rotational crops within 30 days after application. In at least one of these instances, the site in question had an acidic pH ranging from 4.5 to 5. ), imazethapyr (Pursuit), and fomesafen (Reflex, etc.) inhibitors Another very important factor that influences the likelihood of herbicide carryover is the type of herbicide applied. Forage Grasses. If crop yields in 2002 were 80% of normal or higher the threat of herbicide carryover would be much reduces. Herbicides that degrade by soil microbes include the imidazolinone herbicides (e.g., Raptor), PPO-herbicides (e.g., Flexstar/Reflex and Sharpen) and some HPPD-inhibiting herbicides (e.g., Callisto). I know those products are thought of as soybean herbicides for Xtend beans, but they are labeled for corn, they are just as effective as Clarity and Banvel, and they have dramatically less volatility risk. Tobacco. If you look at the rotation crop restrictions for corn and soybean herbicides in the Penn State Agronomy Guide (Tables 2.2-17 and 2.4-15), you will see that many products limit rotation to alfalfa and/or the clovers as well as some of the small grains. OR May include ... Callisto, Command) Nonselective Glyphosate (Roundup, Touchdown, etc.) Callisto 0 0 10 4* 10 18 10 *Small grains may be planted 120 days after application. Applications of atrazine between 0.75 - 1.0 pounds per acre should be safe in most situations for soybeans. It also provides excellent postemergence control of these weeds and several Butyrac 200 - - 0 - - - - No restrictions indicated on herbicide label. ), flumetsulam (Python) and clopyralid (Stinger, Hornet, SureStart) can be problematic for legumes and mustards like canola and forage radish. Remarks . Best One-Pass Early Post Products: Acuron Flexi – This is a new combination of Callisto, bicyclopyrone (a new HPPD), and Dual. Carryover of POST Soybean Treatments to Tillage Radish Non-treated 20 ozs Flexstar 12.5 ozs Cobra 4 ozs Pursuit 0.6 oz Firstrate 0.375 oz Synchrony XP ... Callisto 3 fl ozs Laudis 3 fl ozs Impact 3/4 fl oz Balance Flexx 5 fl ozs Stinger ½ pt Python 1 oz Resolve 1 oz Mesotrione (Callisto, Lumax, Lexar etc. – POST: Callisto, Laudis, Impact • Soybean: Command • Wheat: Huskie – 9 months for many crops • 10 – 18 mo rotation for many crops “Bleacher” Injury Microtubule Inhibitors: Prowl, Treflan • Prowl rotation 12 months • Treflan rotation 5 months This reduces the dose that each soybean plant has to endure. Wheat & Barley. (soil-applied herbicide or carryover) Epinasty Drawstring Chlorotic veins PPO Inhibitor (Authority, Valor, etc.) It is not clear whether the other sites in question also had an acidic pH or Another important consideration is the rate of application, the timing of application, and soil characteristics likely influences the rate of degradation. smaller area.
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